Tweets are limited to 280 characters and have a lifespan of around 20 minutes, so you can post multiple times a day, unlike the other social media platforms.
But you can fit a lot of info into a short and quick tweet!
Example One
Do you know how to identify your physical and psychological needs? Join Coach Delsue Frankson's peer support group, Become A Better Stronger You, to learn how to identify and meet your needs. Download our app & start w/ a free 14-day trial.
Example Two
In Become A Better Stronger You, Coach Delsue Frankson will help you:
✅ develop self-awareness
✅ identify physical and psychological needs
✅ accept & give criticism and praise
✅ acquire and develop self-confidence
🚀 and so much more!
Download the MentalHappy app to join!
Example Three
Between the balancing act of work, friends, family, life can get stressful. Do you have healthy coping skills to combat the anxieties that come along with life? Join Anxiety and Stress Management with Dr. Givens to get the help you need! Available on the MentalHappy app.
Twitter Tips:
- Not sure how short your Tweet needs to be? You can use a Twitter Character Counter to shorten or lengthen your copy to fit the platform.
- Tweets with pictures are more likely to stop the scroll. Consider including your group image, event graphic, or a meme/gif.
- Want to write a lengthy Tweet? You can with a Twitter thread!
- Create your first Tweet, then click the + next to Tweet. From here, you can continue your thread.