7 mins
May 28, 2024

Newsletter July 2024

Hello Wellness Warriors, 🌱 How are you feeling in July? Stressed Out? Yeah, us too. Without inner peace, outer peace is IMPOSSIBLE. That's where yoga comes in, like a superhero in stretchy pants!

Unroll Your Mat, Unwind Your Mind🎯Yoga Bliss

Hello Wellness Warriors, 🌱

How are you feeling in July?

Stressed Out?

Yeah, us too.

Without inner peace, outer peace is IMPOSSIBLE.

That's where yoga comes in, like a superhero in stretchy pants!

Studies show that 80% of Americans experience chronic stress, impacting both body and mind.

Yoga has long been known as a great ANTIDOTE to stress.

77% report being physically stronger.

82% saw a nearly 50% reduction in chronic inflammation after just six weeks of daily yoga.

That's the power of yoga… 🙂

It isn't about self-improvement!

It's ACTUALLY about self-acceptance!

So, stay committed to your decisions but flexible in your approach.

🧘♂️ This July, let's roll out our yoga mats and stretch towards a healthier you! 

JUST be ready to practice, and all is coming.

💖 Yoga Journeys | 3 Inspiring Tales

Yoga not only bends our bodies but also transforms our lives. Dive into these transformative stories…

1. Karen Blanc: Triumph Over Pain Through Yoga

At 34, Karen Blanc faced debilitating joint pain from rheumatoid arthritis, which stole her mobility and marred her daily life. Unable to pursue her passion for running and after enduring multiple hip replacements, Karen turned to yoga as her last resort. The heat and movement of hot yoga classes eased her pain and reignited her athletic spirit. Despite her fears of further injury, Karen's persistence led to her mastering yoga poses like the Headstand, marking a significant victory in her battle against chronic pain [Source].

Lesson # 1: Challenges faced with courage inspire others.

2. Peter Sagal: A New Chapter at 50, Embracing Yoga

In his 50s, Peter resisted yoga, dismissing it as too easy and not for men. A marathon runner used to measuring success by time, he found himself instead measuring the distance his heel was from the mat in a downward-facing dog. A vision from a movie and a yoga studio opening nearby finally nudged him to give it a try. To his surprise, yoga offered him physical benefits, mental focus, and peace. Now a regular practitioner, Peter appreciates yoga's ability to transform his running and approach to life's challenges [Source].

Lesson # 2: Stillness and focus enhance mental and physical strength.

3 Niki Terlich: How Face Yoga Saved Me

In 2015, Niki Terlich faced her darkest year. Her son was battling cancer, her marriage was unraveling, and the stress visibly aged her. Searching for a natural solution to regain her youthful appearance, Niki discovered face yoga. This practice not only rejuvenated her looks but also revitalized her spirit. It eventually steered her towards a new career path as a face yoga instructor, transforming her struggles into a source of strength and independence. [Source].

Lesson # 3: True beauty and strength emerge from resilience and self-acceptance.


😎 School of Happiness 🪷 Yoga For All

School teaches us about history, math, and grammar, but what about happiness?

Yoga's got your back (literally!).

Forget those crazy poses online; yoga chills you out faster than Netflix. ‍

Ever thought yoga wasn't for you?

Think again!!!

Yoga is super adaptable and can be tailored for anyone, even those with mobility challenges.

It isn't competitive!

It’s about finding balance and peace that works for your body.

Why Yoga's Your New BFF?

It helps us stay present and mindful, offering a peaceful escape from the daily rush.

Plus, it's inclusive.

With props and modified poses, everyone can join in and reap the benefits.

A Quick TIP

Pairing yoga with simple lifestyle tweaks, like choosing healthier snacks and reducing caffeine, can boost your mental and physical health.

For those with limited mobility who still want to enjoy the benefits of yoga, consider chair yoga. It uses a chair for support, allowing you to perform yoga poses with stability and ease without moving up and down from the floor.

And let's not forget limiting screen time is crucial for keeping stress at bay.

So, if you've been unsure about yoga, why not explore a class that meets your needs?

It's all about moving at your pace and embracing a healthier, more balanced life.

Ready to roll out your mat?

See what healthy outcomes are waiting for you in the next section…


☀️ Embrace Life's Sunshine with Yoga 

Research has proven that YOGA:

  • Reduce stress (86% report less stress)
  • Boost mood (69% feel happier)
  • Motivate physical activity (63% are more inspired to exercise)
  • Enhance sleep quality (59% enjoy better sleep)

That's the power of embracing life's possibilities with yoga as your guide.✨

Let's explore some amazing ways yoga can transform your summer:

# 1: Stress Slayer

Feeling like a pressure cooker?

Yoga's your off switch.

It combines stretches, breathing, and mindfulness to melt tension like butter.

Think brain massage!

# 2: Focus Power Up

Can't focus for two seconds?

Yoga helps you be present.

You learn to quiet the mental chatter and concentrate on what actually matters.

# 3: Body Love (No Pretzels Needed)

Yoga isn't about being a human knot.

It's about feeling good in your skin!

Get stronger, more flexible, and even touch your toes (eventually!).

Plus, anyone can join with chairs, blocks, and straps.


🎁 Unlock Better Well-Being with Your Free Guide

The greatest wealth is health, which is linked to work-life balance.

Yoga is NOT just a workout; it's work-in!

Dive into the MentalHappy Guide to Doing the Work.

What's inside?

  • 11 transformative practices to tackle life's challenges with a smile.
  • A supportive community cheering you on every step of the way.
  • The tools you need to feel amazing and show up confidently in all your relationships.

Download Your 🎁 Here

📅 Upcoming Group Sessions🧘‍♂️

Here are the July 2024 Sessions:

👉 Mental Health isn’t a Luxury

July 12, 2024 | 7:30 pm EDT

Join Here

👉 Together We Rise With Community Mental Health

July 24, 2024 | 7:30 pm EDT

Join Here

👉 Thriving in a Loud World

July 23, 2024 | 7:30 pm EDT

Join Here

Mark your Calendar TODAY

And Share it With Your Friends.


😰 New Blog: From Panic to Peace

Anxiety is an overwhelming emotion.

And to live with it—it's exhausting. 

It often gives a small thing a big shadow.

An estimated 4% of the global population currently experience an anxiety disorder, and 19.1% of U.S. adults had any anxiety disorder in the past year. 

In collaboration with the Anxiety Resource Center (ARC) our CEO, Tamar Blue, shares her journey from panic to peace.

Discover how she turned anxiety into empowerment with practical tips and heartfelt insights.

To read, click below

From Panic to Peace: How I Told Anxiety to Take a Hike.

And be ready to get inspired :)

Click to read blog here

🙋Test Your Brain | July's Teaser Fun

1) What is the traditional name for the full moon in July?

a) Buck Moon

b) Hunter's Moon

c) Harvest Moon

d) Blood Moon

2) What famous event in world history took place in July 1776?

a) The bombing of Pearl Harbor

b) The D-Day invasion of Normandy 

c) The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima

d) The signing of the Declaration of Independence

3) What zodiac sign(s) typically fall in the month of July?

a) Aries & Taurus

b) Gemini & Cancer 

c) Cancer & Leo

d) Leo & Virgo

4) What national park in the United States celebrates its anniversary in July?

a) Grand Canyon National Park

b) Yellowstone National Park

c) Zion National Park, Utah

d) Rocky Mountain National Park 

5) Where does the word "yoga" originate?

a) English  

b) Sanskrit 

c) Hindi

d) Mandarin

Answer 1: a) Buck Moon

Answer 2: b) The signing of the Declaration of Independence 

Answer 3: c) Cancer & Leo

Answer 4: c) Zion National Park (Established July 31, 1909)

Answer 5: b) Sanskrit

✨ Every Breath is a Fresh Beginning

Yoga means the dance of every cell with the music of every breath.

It's self-discovery in motion…

And a journey to the self through the self.

So, My Friend, 

Practice Yoga and Shine Bright…You Deserve it :)

And remember, no matter where you are on your journey, each moment holds the potential for a new start.

Embrace today with an open heart and an adventurous spirit!

Your Happiness, Your Voice!

How Did We Rock Your World This Month?

Our newsletter wouldn't be possible without you.

We'd love to keep the good vibes flowing.

And we're all ears for your thoughts.

Please vote for us and let us know so we can improve and serve you better.


Vote here


Remember, you're a vital part of our MentalHappy journey.

We're grateful to have you on board! 

Until next time, take care of that incredible mind of yours. ❤️

If you are new around here, you can join us for FREE.

With all our Support,❤️

Iqra & MentalHappy Team

P.S. Want to share your yoga journey or need tips on getting started? Hit reply – we love hearing from you! 💌

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