7 mins Read
July 23, 2024

Support Groups: Make Connections, Get Help

When we say the word “LIFE”, It means: Living is not F****** Easy! Just breathing and doing a 9-5 job is not life. You can have communication issues, bad experiences, nonsense addictions, meet people like nightmares, and have low self-esteem that restricts you from making frien

When we say the word “LIFE”, It means: Living is not F****** Easy! Just breathing and doing a 9-5 job is not life. You can have communication issues, bad experiences, nonsense addictions, meet people like nightmares, and have low self-esteem that restricts you from making friends and talking to your heart. Availing of quality mental health support can be expensive for many people. 

Joining a support group is a great way to bridge that gap. We humans always need some empathy and support to boost our confidence and mental health. As: “A Healthy Mind Signifies a Healthy Body.”

What to Do When I Am Facing Hard Times?

When you go through emotional trauma, a breakup, or any health issue, your parents, friends, or relatives may give you some emotional support and show sympathy, but the truth is, nobody can know what you are going through. 

Doctors and psychologists can also give you some temporary emotional support, but their focus is relatively more medical-based. They just treat you as a patient.

Here comes the need for advice from people who have already faced the same trauma as you. When you join a community of people with the same circumstances, you will definitely get pieces of advice and therapy ideas from real-life issues that result in long-term benefits.

Feel More Support and Less Alone!

As I said before, life means facing challenges, and sometimes, you may feel like you’re facing them all on your own. But you don’t have to! Support groups are here to help you make your journey easy with real support and understanding. Let’s explore what support groups are and how they can make a difference in your life.

What Are Support Groups?

Whether you’re dealing with health issues, breakups, social challenges, or seeking personal growth, there’s a special support group for you. Support groups are safe spaces where you communicate with people facing common issues and share what's troubling them. These groups are led by wellness experts who create a supportive environment for members to share, learn, and grow. 

Find a Support Group That's Just Right for You!

Mental Happy offers a variety of support groups to help you overcome your challenges. No matter if you are facing anxiety, depression, or any health issue, overcoming your unease is our goal. Attending a support group can be a valuable step towards healing and being comfortable around other humans if you feel like you are a misunderstood introvert.

You can join support groups related to:

  • Health Issues: 

Groups for managing chronic illnesses, mental health, and more.

  • Life Changes: 

Support for divorce, grief, surviving toxic parenting, and other significant life events.

  • Personal Growth: 

Groups focused on building confidence, self-esteem, and achieving personal goals.

Why Join a Support Group?

Joining a support group provides you with numerous benefits, both in the short term and long term. Here you can talk about your emotions and circumstances with others who know how you feel and won’t judge or criticize you.

Short-Term Benefits

Immediate Support: Gain emotional support right away from people who understand what you’re going through.

  • Immediate Stress Relief: 

In Sessions lasting 30 to 90 minutes, Talking about your feelings will help reduce your stress and anxiety.

  • Valuable Advice: 

Get tips and tactics that you can start using immediately to manage your situation. You will also enjoy uplifting sessions with peers who cheer you on.

  • Get a Sense of Hope: 

When you share your experiences, listen to others, and engage in group activities, you will feel less isolated because you will connect with others who have similar experiences. Listening to others' problems can give you a sense of hope and benefit in boosting your mood.

Long-Term Benefits

Joining a support group can really help you in the long run, especially when it comes to mental health and feeling better emotionally. Here are some of the main benefits you might experience:

  • Learn Better Coping Skills: 

Being around others who understand what you're going through can teach you new ways to handle your problems. Over time, you'll get better at dealing with tough situations.

  • Get Emotional Support: 

It feels good to have people who support you and encourage you when times are tough. It will be refreshing to get innovative ideas to care for yourself. You will feel less alone and more connected.

  • Grow through shared experiences: 

Support groups can help you learn a lot about your challenges. Understanding them can make them less scary and easier to manage.

  • Feeling Better About Yourself: 

Sharing your experiences and listening to others can make you feel less burdened, more confident, and in control. It's always good to know you're not alone in your struggles.

  • Learn to Make Friends: 

The relationships you build in these groups can turn into real friendships that last a long time. These friends can support you even outside of group meetings.

  • Get Rid of Negativity: 

Seeing others who are managing their challenges well can give you hope and motivation to keep going, even on hard days. You will free yourself from negative thoughts and drive towards the positive light.

  • Less Stigma: 

Talking openly in a group helps break down the shame and embarrassment that sometimes come with mental health issues. It can also inspire you to stand up for yourself and others daily.

Overall, support groups offer a great mix of friendship, learning, and emotional backing that can make a big difference in how you feel and handle challenges over time.

Misperceptions About Support Groups

Many of you may think it cowardly to seek help from strangers. Many people believe that reaching out to others who don’t know you is like exposing your secrets and weakness to strangers. They think these talking sessions are a waste of time as you will get nothing at the end, with simple word exchanges.

Fact Check!

Indeed, support groups don’t work like a headache pill. Joining them doesn’t mean it will work like magic. But if you are going through a rough time or have a sensitive issue to discuss that you cannot with your parents, siblings, or friends - there is nothing better than finding a person around the globe who has faced the same challenges and then overcoming them!

Now, you may have some doubts about these settings and secret revealing. I’ll try to cover the more basics here.

1- What if I don’t want to share my story?

Ok fine! In a support group, You can choose to stay silent and still learn from others. It's totally up to you. 

2- I am afraid that other participants will criticize me.

A well-managed support group sets clear rules and boundaries to ensure no one can disrespect each other. They make sure that participants treat each other with empathy and respect.

3- What if I feel more depressed after hearing about others’ issues?

You will not, as it is a universal phenomenon that sharing your problems can be incredibly relieving. Most people leave a support group feeling uplifted and encouraged.

Face-to-Face Sessions OR ‘Online’ Support?

  • Joining Online groups is convenient because it avoids transportation charges or time management issues. 
  • You may have a job or business where you can not attend face-to-face therapy sessions because they are far from where you live. 
  • Online groups have experts from all over the world, and you can seek their advice from wherever you want! 

Here, I am giving a survey Report of OSG, in which people joined support groups for various reasons and achieved maximum benefits.


  • In physical meetings, you may feel shy about sharing your problem as the other members stare at you. But in Online support groups, that’s not the issue.
  • Of course, you may face some technical problems or feel less warm when nobody is physically present in front of you, but that’s not the case for everyone. 

Why You Should Give Online Support Groups a Try?

You really have nothing to lose by giving an online support group a fair try. 

  • The people in these groups once felt just like you do now.
  • You might make new friends who truly understand what you’re going through, sometimes even better than your closest friends or family.
  • If you’re nervous about joining alone, invite a trusted friend to support you. After the first few meetings, you'll likely feel much more comfortable.

Mental Happy has a large community with expert support. You only have to join a specific Support group that matches your problem or desire. Here, you find answers to ‘how to be calm’ or ‘how to rebuild your long-lost confidence and self-esteem’. After meeting the fellas facing similar challenges, you will know you are not alone in your journey! You can, too, lead a better life and become a role model for others.

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